Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet
It's a fact that your body needs healthy fats, without them you cannot have healthy hair. Healthy fast also play an important role of helping the body absorb vitamins that are essential for healthy hair growth such as:
- Vitamins A
- Vitamins D
- Vitamins E
- Vitamins K
Be Sure to Take the Recommended daily Amount of Vitamin C
Being deficient in vitamin C will most likely cause your hair to be dull dry and brittle which will lead to split ends and breakage. Your body needs vitamin c to help build collagen which is a fiber that is vital to the production of new hair cells. Minus vitamin c your body will find it difficult to absorb iron which you also know is important for healthy hair growth. This makes it extremely important that intake your daily dose of vitamin c especially in conjunction with foods that are rich in iron.
So be sure to consume Foods that are rich in vitamin c such as:
- peppers
- broccoli
- kale
- guava
- pineapples
- citrus fruits
- strawberries
Although there is very little scientific evidence that increased consumption of B Vitamins such as riboflavin and biotin can actually cause your hair to be healthier, deficiencies of these vitamins can lead not only to hair thinning but also to hair loss. You should always talk with your doctor before taking any type of supplements for hair loss because the loss of your hair might be the result of something other than a deficiency in vitamin B.
Some really good sources of B vitamins are:
- whole grains such as oatmeal
- broccoli
- artichokes
- beets
- peas
- spinach
- lentils
- potatoes - with skins
- bananas
- seafood
- lean meats
- lean dairy
- soybean products
Try Your Best to Lower Emotional and Physical Stress
The growth of hair can lessen or completely shut down due to high physical or emotional stress. And in some very extreme cases, stress can cause hair loss.
Although it can be many months before the results of extreme stress on hair growth or loss can be seen, this should not be ignored. Extreme stress is not only bad for your hair, it is bad for your entire body.
Because it will take several months for hair damaged by stress to be repaired, the sooner you learn to reduce stress in your life the better. Learn to relax by eliminating stress from your life whenever you can. Also because exercise and mediation are great for relieving stress, try to include them in your life as much as possible. If you have never done either you won't believe how good they can make you feel,
It is Important to Stay Health.
You should eat a well balanced diet, exercise regularly and be sure that you are getting enough sleep. This will not only help you reduce stress, it will also help your body stay strong giving it the strength to fight off most illness.
Nutritional deficiencies, sleep deprivation and extended fatigue can all cause your body to go into survival mode which will make your body devote all of it's resources to maintaining essential bodily functions. And since your hair is not essential, it will be left unprotected and susceptible to slow growth, damage and loss.
However, when your body has the proper nutrients it needs, is well rested and stress levels are kept to a minimum, it can easily maintain and grow a healthy full head of beautiful hair faster.
Find the Physical Stressors and Try to Eliminate Them
Dull brittle dry slow hair growth or hair loss might be a sign that your body requires healing in some other area before it can commit much needed nutrients and energy to building a head of strong healthy hair.
Too many dietary supplementation, over using certain types of medications, physical trauma, and hyperactivity can all stress the body to the and cause it to stop hair production and growth.
Should you be undergoing any of these situations, it's important that you first take care of whatever it is and lessen any strain it may be having on you before you concern yourself with hair growth.
Most of the time the hair will recover and grow at a normal healthy rate once you have taken care of the physical stressor.
You Must Learn to Manage Emotional Stressors
A divorce, death of a loved one, feelings of uncertainty or security, extreme financial loss or worrying about where you're going to be living tomorrow are all emotional stressors that so many people face in their lives, especially now when the entire world seems to be going through a financial crises.
All of these factors can cause ones hair to grow slowly or even fall out. Learning to deal with these types of stresses in a less stressful way is very important for the production of healthy faster growing hair.
I know this is easier said than done, however being sure to eat a proper diet, talking to someone about what you are feeling, exercising and meditation can all help. Click here to find out how you can grow your hair Twice as Fast
Click Here to Continue Reading How to Grow Hair Faster Part 3